california regional red
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The Prisoner Red Blend 2021
From $68

The Prisoner Wine Company Saldo Zinfandel N/V
From $45.50

Esser Monterey Merlot 2014
From $24.40

Daou Vineyards Paso Robles Pessimist 2021

Hartford Court Russian River Zindanfel 2021
From $62.25

Kendall-Jackson Vintners Reserve Merlot 2021

Ridge Geyserville Zinfandel 2020
From $62.25

Ferrari-Carano Siena 2018
From $37.50

Emmolo Napa Valley Merlot 2015
From $66

Duckhorn Napa Valley Merlot 2021
From $65.50

Duckhorn Decoy California Red Blend
From $36.50

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