Nikka Whisky Coffey Malt Whisky
Nikka Coffey Malt is a distinctive and innovative Japanese whisky that pushes the boundaries of traditional whisky-making. Crafted at the renowned Miyagikyo Distillery, established in 1969 by Masataka Taketsuru, the father of Japanese whisky, this expression is made entirely from malted barley but distilled using Nikka’s iconic Coffey stills. Typically reserved for grain whisky, the use of these column stills gives Coffey Malt its unique, rich, and creamy profile, setting it apart from conventional single malts.
Matured in a combination of American oak casks, this whisky balances bold flavours with smooth complexity, embodying the meticulous craftsmanship and pioneering spirit for which Nikka is celebrated. It’s a must-try for enthusiasts seeking a unique expression of Japanese whisky-making innovation.
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